A lump or bump on your eyelid can certainly be troubling, but effective treatment is available through the care of Charles D. Woods, MD, at Eye and Cataract Associates.
The Decatur, Alabama, practice offers comprehensive care for all eye health and vision issues, including chalazions. If you’re concerned about irregularities in your eyelid skin, book a consultation today. You can schedule your visit by calling the office.
Chazalion Q & A
What is a chalazion?
A chalazion is a lump or bump on your eyelid. It might begin as a small area of redness, tenderness, or inflammation. Over the course of a few days, a bump can grow as large as a pea.
These are some common signs of a chalazion:
Painless lump or bump on the upper or lower eyelid
Tearing in the affected eye
Mild inflammation surrounding the bump
Blurred vision if the bump is large
Some chalazions go away on their own within a few days while others require treatment.
What’s the difference between a chalazion and a stye?
A stye is also characterized by an eyelid lump or bump. In the case of a stye, however, an infected oil gland causes the lump. Styes are usually painful and are often located closer to the surface of your eyelid skin than a chalazion. Left untreated, however, some styes can eventually develop into a chalazion.
A chalazion is caused by a clogged meibomian gland. Each of your upper and lower eyelids contains around 30-40 of these glands, which work to produce and discharge sebum into your tear film.
The openings of your meibomian glands are just behind your eyelashes and can become clogged if the sebaceous material thickens or the passageways narrow. The trapped material then collects, causing the walls of the gland to thicken and oil to leak into your eyelid.
If you have chronic blepharitis, you have an increased risk of developing multiple chalazions.
What are the treatment options for a chalazion?
In the early stages, you can treat many chalazions by placing warm compresses against your eyelid several times a day. This helps with drainage, increases circulation, and prompts a healing response. You can also use antibiotic drops or ointment after warm compresses.
If a chalazion doesn’t improve with this treatment approach, you may need to have it removed through a minor surgical procedure.
Dr. Woods administers local anesthesia to keep you comfortable before he carefully excises the clogged gland. The procedure doesn’t affect your eyelid function or your ability to produce tears.
If you notice any unusual changes to the skin on or around your eyelids, book an appointment with Dr. Woods. He can determine the right treatment path for your needs and helps you understand all available options before you make a decision.